Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – November 2019

The way people and businesses buy things changes over time for a variety of reasons. We are in the midst of changing consumer behavior that is undoubtedly fueled by technology.

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Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – September 2019

An engine is a machine with moving parts that converts energy into motion. Marketing is very similar in that it is made of moving parts that must work smoothly and in harmony to generate motion. In marketing, that motion generates leads and moves them along the buyer’s journey.

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Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – August 2019

You may have read that studies show people do business with those they know, like, and trust – We believe this is true. We see how top salespeople go out of their way to inform their customers and work tirelessly to make them like and trust them.

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Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – July 2019

Sometimes in life, as well as in business, we pursue certain activities because we always have. Oftentimes, we keep doing what we have been doing the same way we always have, without questioning our actions or their outcomes.

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